YeeFixx protector overload compressor outdoor Aircond overheat 1hp - 3hp cut out electric thermal overloads relay wired
RM2.20 - RM2.30
Purchase Now & Earn 22++ Points
Quantity: 1885
SKU: A020
Weight(grams): 20
Dimension: 1 cm (Length) x 2 cm (Width) x 1 cm (Height)
~ 100% new item and ready stok ~
english :
- overload use in air-conditioner outdoor unit compressor motor
- suitable for any brands of aircond
- main purpose for protect aircond outdoor compressor motor to prevent high -amps / overheat , when its detect its temperature is over-heating , its will cut electric continues supply with compressor motor
- This air-conditioner overload outdoor compressor protector is an essential part of your household appliances, ensuring the safety and longevity of your large home appliances
- With this protector, you can rest assured that your aircond outdoor compressor is protected against overloading and overheating , can use with safety
- sometimes overload is broken , then compressor will not be running gas , will make aircond will not be cold , you can try change overload to repair this problem
- ini overload pakai di motor kompressor unit luaran penghawa dingin
- sesuai untuk sebarang jenama aircond
- Tujuan utama untuk melindungi motor kompressor luaran aircond untuk mengelakkan amp tinggi / terlalu panas, apabila ia mengesan suhunya terlalu panas, ia akan putus dan memotong elektrik terus bekalan dengan motor kompressor
- Pelindung kompressor luaran penghawa dingin ini adalah bahagian penting perkakas rumah anda, memastikan keselamatan dan jangka hayat peralatan rumah besar anda
- Dengan pelindung ini, anda boleh yakin bahawa kompressor outdoor penyaman udara anda dilindungi daripada beban berlebihan dan terlalu panas, boleh digunakan dengan selamat
- kadangkala overload rosak , lepas tu compressor tak jalan , buat aircond tak sejuk , boleh cubatukar overload untuk repair masalah ni
~ 100% new item and ready stok ~
~ packing inside 24hours ~
- malaysia supplier ~
~ nice quality product ~
overload compressor airconditioner
Inquiry - YeeFixx protector overload compressor outdoor Aircond overheat 1hp - 3hp cut out electric thermal overloads relay wired