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YeeFixx full set big size refrigerator exhaust fan ( fan motor + fan blade + iron cage cover ) display chiller blower


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Quantity: 30

Select variant(s): full set
full set:



SKU: R008

Weight(grams): 3900

Dimension: 36 cm (Length) x 36 cm (Width) x 5 cm (Height)

** YeeFixx official store , Malaysia Wholeseller **

english :
- suitable for big size fridge / chiller / air-conditioner use
- full set with ( fan motor + fan blade + iron cage cover )
- got 4 wire , 1wire = earth
- Let the refrigerator or air-conditioner dissipate heat and protect compressor motor for prevent overheat
- if your fan motor is jam and cannot running , can try to change this
- side to side of fan motor size is about 34cm +-

bahasa melayu :
- sesuai untuk kegunaan peti ais / penyejuk / penghawa dingin saiz besar
- set lengkap dengan ( motor kipas + bilah kipas + penutup sangkar besi )
- mendapat 4 wayar, 1 wayar = bumi
- Biarkan peti sejuk atau penghawa dingin menghilangkan haba dan melindungi motor kompressor untuk mengelakkan terlalu panas
- jika motor kipas anda jem dan tidak boleh hidup , boleh cuba tukar ini
- sisi ke sisi saiz motor kipas adalah kira-kira 34cm +-

~ 100% new item and ready stok ~
~ packing inside 24hours ~
- malaysia supplier ~
~ nice quality product ~

fan motor condenser exhaust fan set

 Inquiry - YeeFixx full set big size refrigerator exhaust fan ( fan motor + fan blade + iron cage cover ) display chiller blower

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