YeeFixx tnb outdoor meter box metal board / wooden board single phase / three phase cut out box papan elektrik meter
RM12.20 - RM39.90
Purchase Now & Earn 122++ Points
Quantity: 23
SKU: E144
Weight(grams): 2200
Dimension: 30 cm (Length) x 50 cm (Width) x 7 cm (Height)
english :
- u can see in every home / office / factory
- this board can use for replacement outside tnb board
- if box is too old or broken , maybe got dangerous , u may buying new one for replace
- brands may will be random
bahasa melayu :
- anda boleh lihat di setiap rumah / pejabat / kilang
- papan ini boleh digunakan untuk penggantian papan tnb luar
- Jika kotak terlalu lama atau rosak, mungkin berbahaya, anda boleh membeli baru untuk menggantikan
- jenama akan random bagi
~ 100% new item and ready stok ~
~ packing inside 24hours ~
- malaysia supplier ~
~ nice quality product ~
meter board
Inquiry - YeeFixx tnb outdoor meter box metal board / wooden board single phase / three phase cut out box papan elektrik meter