YeeFixx accessories screw / nuts【washing machine】locking pulsator inner gear washer tank M6 M8 35mm 38'' service replace
RM0.90 - RM4.80
Purchase Now & Earn 9++ Points
Quantity: 426
Weight(grams): 50
Dimension: 1 cm (Length) x 4 cm (Width) x 1 cm (Height)
~ 100% new item and ready stok ~
english :
- accessories for lock pulsator or tub washer .
- got screw / nut
- universal and can use in many type of washing machine . .
- accessories sold here are often used by washing machine technicians.
- If you need to open the washing machine tub for servicing, it is best to change the screw, and the next day there is usually no problem.
- aksesori untuk kunci pulsator atau mesin basuh tab.
- ada pelbagai skru / nat
- universal dan boleh digunakan dalam pelbagai jenis mesin basuh. .
- accessories dijual di sini selalunya digunakan oleh juruteknik mesin basuh.
- Jika anda perlu buka tangki mesin basuh untuk diservis, sebaiknya tukar skru, dan lain hari biasanya tiada masalah.
washer screw gear pulsator
Inquiry - YeeFixx accessories screw / nuts【washing machine】locking pulsator inner gear washer tank M6 M8 35mm 38'' service replace