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YeeFixx hanging big canvas service aircond ceiling cassette/wall mount indoor air-conditioner wash cleaning kain kanvas


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Quantity: 135

Select variant(s): canvas univers, set
canvas univers:



SKU: A100

Weight(grams): 2500

Dimension: 10 cm (Length) x 75 cm (Width) x 10 cm (Height)

** YeeFixx official store , Malaysia Wholeseller **

english :
- canvas special using for service aircond
- nice quality plastic and solid , waterproof types
- Its design is not easy to loose When it is installed and used, it can be hung firmly and cleaning with safety
- can suitable for ceiling cassette aircond and wall mounted aircond
- easy to use and can service aircond without remove down indoor unit , then can reduces more problem or leaking gas
- when washing aircond and using this , can protect and avoid dirty water drop to floor , just doing a best jobs
- blue color - got free hose and hanging rope

bahasa melayu :
- Kanvas khas guna untuk servis aircond
- plastik berkualiti bagus dan jenis pepejal, kalis air
- Reka bentuknya tidak mudah longgar Apabila ia dipasang dan digunakan, ia boleh digantung dengan kukuh dan dibersihkan dengan selamat
- boleh sesuai untuk aircond kaset siling dan aircond yang dipasang di dinding
- Mudah digunakan dan boleh servis aircond tanpa keluarkan unit dalaman, seterusnya dapat mengurangkan lebih banyak masalah atau gas bocor
- Apabila mencuci aircond dan menggunakan ini, boleh melindungi dan mengelakkan titisan air kotor ke lantai, hanya melakukan kerja yang terbaik
- warna biru - mendapat hos dan tali gantung percuma

~ 100% new item and ready stok ~
~ packing inside 24hours ~
- malaysia supplier ~
~ nice quality product ~

canvas ceiling cassatte

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