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YeeFixx compressor access valve Gas valve Hex key aircond outdoor service nut connector pipe gas opener valve controler

RM6.60 - RM24.50

Beli Sekarang & Dapat 66++ Points

Jadi ahli kami untuk lebih banyak diskaun & ganjaran

RM200 Diskaun
RM100 Diskaun
RM50 Diskaun
RM30 Diskaun
RM10 Diskaun
RM5 Diskaun

Kuantiti 1612

Pilih variant(s): size



SKU: A062

Weight(grams): 300

Dimension: 3 cm (Length) x 3 cm (Width) x 4 cm (Height)

** YeeFixx official store , Malaysia Wholeseller **

~ 100% new item and ready stok ~

english :
- service valve is installed in air-conditioner outdoor unit beside
- got 2hun 3hun 4hun 5hun 6hun size valve , always got 2 types size in 1unit outdoor unit
- A/C service valve normally used to connection pipe of the outdoor unit and indoor unit
- Control / Open and close refrigerant gas circuit, vacuumize and recharging
- HVAC technicians can also use service valves to charge your AC system Charging is the process of adding refrigerant gas to an AC system With low refrigerant gas levels, your AC system may no cool to your home
- In addition to adding refrigerant gas, HVAC technicians can use service valves to release refrigerant gas , because if Too much refrigerant gas can cause problems Known as overcharging, this can damage the compressor, harm cooling performance, and expose your AC system to wear and tear
- if your aircond service valve is leaking gas / nut screw loose (difficult to screw nut) / crack and broken , you can change it , just welding copper pipe , if copper pipe direction not same , can use pliers to adjust it
- always aircond outdoor unit is old , service valve always will leaking gas from allen hex key valve there , so technician always got jobs and replace it

- injap servis dipasang di unit luaran penghawa dingin di sebelah
- mendapat injap saiz 2hun 3hun 4hun 5hun 6hun , sentiasa mendapat 2 jenis saiz dalam 1 outdoor unit
- Injap servis A/C biasanya digunakan untuk menyambung paip unit luaran dan unit dalaman
- Kawal / Buka dan tutup litar gas penyejuk, vakum dan cas semula
- Juruteknik HVAC juga boleh menggunakan injap servis untuk mengecas sistem AC anda Pengecasan ialah proses masuk gas jika gas kurang, sistem AC anda mungkin tidak sejuk di rumah anda
- Selain menambah gas penyejuk, juruteknik HVAC boleh menggunakan injap servis untuk melepaskan gas penyejuk, kerana jika Terlalu banyak gas penyejuk boleh menyebabkan masalah Dikenali sebagai pengecasan berlebihan, ini boleh merosakkan kompressor, menjejaskan prestasi penyejukan dan mendedahkan sistem AC anda kepada haus dan lusuh , motor akan tak tahan lama
- jika injap servis aircond anda bocor gas / skru nat longgar (susah ikat nut ) / kemet dan pecah , boleh tukar valve ni , cuma kimpal paip tembaga , jika arah paip tembaga tidak sama , boleh guna playar untuk adjust
- selalu aircond outdoor unit lama , service valve selalu akan bocor gas dari allen hex key valve , jadi technician selalu ada kerja dan boleh tukar

~ 100% new item and ready stok ~
~ packing inside 24hours ~
- malaysia supplier ~
~ nice quality product ~

outdoor valve aircond

 Pertanyaan - YeeFixx compressor access valve Gas valve Hex key aircond outdoor service nut connector pipe gas opener valve controler

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