YeeFixx wire cutter / copper cutter working tool cutting Scissors casing installation shears pengunting wayar / tembaga
Beli Sekarang & Dapat 32 Points
Kuantiti 1372
SKU: T009
Weight(grams): 30
Dimension: 6 cm (Length) x 8 cm (Width) x 2 cm (Height)
english :
- cutter can be cutting wire cable / copper pipe
- strong and sharp
- can easy for your jobs and fast
- nice quality
- aircondman / wireman technician always using this kind of cutter for working
bahasa melayu :
- pemotong boleh memotong kabel wayar / paip tembaga
- kuat dan tajam
- boleh mudah untuk kerja anda dan cepat
- kualiti bagus
- juruteknik aircondman / wireman selalu guna cutter macam ni untuk kerja
~ 100% new item and ready stok ~
~ packing inside 24hours ~
- malaysia supplier ~
~ nice quality product ~
cutter yellow
Pertanyaan - YeeFixx wire cutter / copper cutter working tool cutting Scissors casing installation shears pengunting wayar / tembaga