YeeFixx height place working safety belt rod thick rope hanging string solid lock body cord tali keselamatan kerja
RM22.00 - RM27.50
Beli Sekarang & Dapat 220++ Points
Kuantiti 56
SKU: A137
Weight(grams): 1250
Dimension: 12 cm (Length) x 30 cm (Width) x 8 cm (Height)
english :
- safety belt is using for hanging people or hanging aircond or other heavy things
- thick type rope and safety quality
- can lock with nicely
- when you working in high place , must using this , for protect your safety
- follow the rules , when you go to outside of window / high place / danger place , must wear this
bahasa melayu :
- tali pinggang keselamatan digunakan untuk menggantung orang atau menggantung aircond atau benda berat lain
- tali jenis tebal dan kualiti bagus dan selamat
- boleh kunci dengan baik
- apabila anda bekerja di tempat tinggi, mesti menggunakan ini, untuk melindungi keselamatan anda
- ikut peraturan , bila pergi luar tingkap / tempat tinggi / tempat bahaya , mesti pakai ni
~ 100% new item and ready stok ~
~ packing inside 24hours ~
- malaysia supplier ~
~ nice quality product ~
safety work belt
Pertanyaan - YeeFixx height place working safety belt rod thick rope hanging string solid lock body cord tali keselamatan kerja