YeeFixx DIY multipurpose electric hot glue gun working tool repair cover panel hot glue stick Gam100w 20w Hot Melt Stick
RM2.20 - RM8.30
Beli Sekarang & Dapat 22++ Points
Kuantiti 3442
Weight(grams): 300
Dimension: 10 cm (Length) x 12 cm (Width) x 4 cm (Height)
english :
- A hot glue gun is a hand-held device that uses a heating element to heat and melt solid glue Once the adhesive has melted, it can be directed out of the gun's nozzle and then onto a given object
- suitable for technician working / student and anyone like to DIY
- just plug in electric hot gun and put glue stick , wait a while , then can use glue for stick many type of surface
- can use in circuit board / glass / wood / metal / leather / box / paper / pvc board / plastic / iron and many surface
- always technician is using for repair pcb / repair refrigerator & airconditioner / diy gift / repair shoe / wood craft /stick work of art / repair glass fish containers / repair clip socket and many purpose to use
- easy to use and nice quality
- fast dry and fast stick , nice quality glue stick also can make gum stick for long term
bahasa melayu :
- Pistol gam panas ialah peranti pegang tangan yang menggunakan elemen pemanas untuk memanaskan dan mencairkan gam Setelah pelekat telah cair, ia boleh diarahkan keluar dari muncung pistol dan kemudian ke objek tertentu
- sesuai untuk juruteknik bekerja / pelajar dan sesiapa yang suka DIY
- cuma plug sambung elektrik hot gun dan letak gam , tunggu sebentar, kemudian boleh gunakan gam untuk melekat banyak pelbagai permukaan
- boleh digunakan dalam papan litar / kaca / kayu / logam / kulit / kotak / kertas / papan pvc / plastik / besi dan banyak permukaan
- selalu technician guna untuk baiki pcb / repair peti ais & aircond / diy gift / repair kasut / wood craft / stick work of art / repair bekas ikan kaca / repair clip socket dan banyak guna
- mudah digunakan dan berkualiti
- cepat kering dan cepat melekat, gam berkualiti bagus juga boleh membuat produk yang dilekat untuk jangka masa panjang
~ 100% new item and ready stok ~
~ packing inside 24hours ~
- malaysia supplier ~
~ nice quality product ~
hot glue gun stick
Pertanyaan - YeeFixx DIY multipurpose electric hot glue gun working tool repair cover panel hot glue stick Gam100w 20w Hot Melt Stick